Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Year 6 memories 2011

Hi my name is Nadia and i have been at Riverdale for six years.Over the years there has been some funny mommants like Mr Bron farting in class and reading adveture books in diffrent vocies, I have learnt how to make and look after friends. One of my memories is learning how to oporate a bisiness in quiddage, FEARWELL RIVERDALE!!!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dare Fun Day

WALT: write a dascriptive recount about dare fun day.
At last it was friday. The dare fun day that the police had organised for all our effort that we put in our unfolding storys. First we went and played action indoor sports - netball, hokey and soccer. Then we came back to school to watch a movie which was hop.
For lunch we went to the esplanade,after lunch we had 10 minutes play.Then it was time to go to the lido,Mr Bron said we could walk to the lido It was a really hot day. At last we made it to the lido yepee time to swim.My friends and Iquickly walked to the changing rooms and put on our togs.I hoped into the pool ahh nice and cool.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My snow poem

I ran outside watching the snow fall.
I gathered some snow to make a ball.

My fingers are cold from touching all the ice.
Snow flakes are small, just like my mice.

The snow is fun to play in.
Just like playing in the pool.
Snow is cold.
But to cool for school.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Term 3 Goals

School goal:To get 50/50 in my math test.To get a better report ,and not to fight with my best friends at lunch so we can have more time to play with each other.

Home goal:To help around the house.